Nom de famille usuel : Scott
Prénom usuel : Graeme
Genre : Masculin
Fonction : Compositeur
Membre de l'ensemble Coin Gutter
Résidences en date du : 1 mars 2004
Ville de résidence : Vancouver
Province ou état de résidence : Colombie-Britannique
Pays de naissance : Canada
Citoyenneté : Canada
Site electrocd : Oui
Site notype : Oui
Bio : I first started to play music when I was 3, sitting at the piano in the living room and experimenting with sound. An early favorite was the smashing down of the lid, as well as sliding the piano bench across the just re-finished hardwood floors. Early commentators on these first feeble musings in the musical world would draw the not so subtle parallel between softly playing an unnamable chord and the cacophony of wood scraping wood, with the quaintness of the middle-class Cabbagetown [a downtown Toronto neighborhood] and the chaotic rumblings of the Regent’s Park social housing project across the street.

I returned to music after a 12 year lull in output. Predictably, there was some hesitation on the part of my parents, considering my last efforts.

But despite opposition, I purchased my first instrument, an electric guitar. The “Profile” brand guitar and the Peavey Rage amplifier was almost everything a young guitarist who didn’t know anything could hope for. Many Terrible Bands followed. They are too many and too awful to describe.

Then in 1994, I joined a good band. We were called Dish and had the good fortune to play some famous venues in Vancouver that no longer exists. Even if we were like every other “alternative” band trying to grab an audience, times were good. Until our bass player suddenly moved to England. [PS Carl, I don’t care about the money, just email me and tell me how you’re doing]

After Dish, I started to play different instruments. My favorite instrument to play is the drums, recordings of me hammering away are still available to this day on the internet. Everything was great until the lead singer/guitar player moved to Toronto. [PS Ryan, we were just good friends, we never did anything]

With band members constantly leaving me, I decided I will go it alone. I will become an experimental electronic artist. Who needs all those other people?

Then I met Emma. Although Emma hated me at first, he eventually realized that we were meant to be together. It started off as “Graeme is the artist” and “Emma is the Engineer.” But it was quickly apparent that we were creating music together, collaborating. Best of all, he doesn’t plan on moving away.