Titre en anglais : Idle Chatter Junior
Année de composition : 1999
Durée : 10min 37s
Notice (en) : Idle Chatter Junior is the fourth in a series of pieces that makes music from the fragmented sounds of speech. The speech is chopped up into tiny bits, tossed around and thrown out onto the sonic canvas to form a rhythmic texture against a slowly evolving harmonic background.

Night Traffic, Table’s Clear and Idle Chatter Junior all explore ways to transform familiar sounds into musical sounds.

These three pieces have some interesting relations to cinema in the extent to which they encourage the listener to visually imagine the creators of the sound sources and to individually construct a kind of virtual reality that will accommodate this vision. The cars have voices, a super-human percussionist plays the dishes, and the chatterers at a cocktail party are somehow managing to make music, despite their best intentions. In other words the pieces attempt to create their own kind of inner ‘cinematic’ world. These pieces are also influenced by film’s ability to find poetry in mundane things: an urban landscape becomes a painting, disembodied voices evoke song, and so on. Finally, I am very pleased with the way that Uli Aumüller has used this music in his film. Sound and image each manage to maintain their integrity and autonomy, yet work together well.

Rédacteur (en) : Paul Lansky
Artiste impliqué
Nom Part Fonction Id éditeur Genre
Paul Lansky 100% Compositeur M