Nom de famille usuel : Schünemann
Prénom usuel : Heber
Genre : Masculin
Fonction : Compositeur
Date de naissance : 1971
Ville de naissance : São Paulo
Pays de naissance : Brésil
Résidences en date du : 30 juin 2010
Ville de résidence : Québec
Province ou état de résidence : Québec
Pays de naissance : Canada
Âge : environ 54 ans
Lien Myspace : heberschunemann
Site actuellecd : Oui
Bio : Heber Schünemann currently lives in Québec City, and is an active composer in the Brazilian contemporary music scene. He has participated in events such as the Biennial of Brazilian Contemporary Music, Panoramas of Present Brazilian Music, the "Contemporary Music Scene" festival, among others. His works have been performed in prominent theatres in Brazil such as the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, Sala Cecília Meireles, Cultural Center Oi Futuro, and his work has also been performed in Germany and France. He was a research scholar in Brazilian Baroque Music at the National Council of Research and Technology.

In 2001, he received 3rd place in the National Competition of Music Composition Brazilian Foundation of Arts for the oboe solo 0,3103. In 2009, his work fragment #9 was premiered by the New Miniaturist Ensemble at the Bruno Walter Auditorium, Lincoln Plaza Center. He produced the event ... this is the children’s play... which was presented in 2009 and 2010 in New York by the group thingNY. Heber participates in the composers ensemble Prelude 21, an ensemble which produces their own concerts - in the 09-10 season the group presented 22 events.

Heber’s works Aqua for two pianos and Orgânico for guitar were recorded on the A Casa Records label. Currently he is studying towards a master’s degree in composition at the Université Laval under the direction of Éric Morin. He has been a permanent resident of Canada since June 2009.

Date de la bio : 30 juin 2010