Nom de famille usuel : Sablich
Prénom usuel : Mirko
Genre : Masculin
Fonction : Compositeur
Date de naissance : 1970
Ville de naissance : Lima
Pays de naissance : Pérou
Âge : environ 55 ans
Site actuellecd : Oui
Bio : Mirko Sablich started his involvement in music during elementary school as a member of the junior and then senior school band where he played the fife, clarinet and lastly the euphonium. Having never received any formal musical instruction at this point he formed a pop band for which he was the singer, guitarist and songwriter. While maintaining in songwriting he enrolled at the University of Lima and studied mathematics and economics. Shortly after he decided to pursue his musical studies by moving to Montréal. He obtained a degree in theory and composition from Concordia University and he will begin graduate studies in composition at the University of Montréal under the direction of Montréal based composer Alain Lalonde. His fascination with the fundamental building blocks of sound and music has led him to follow a very individual path of self-study. His musical world is drawn from an essential flow of time and sound events. With this approach, he looks for the structural potential of a sonic or musical idea in order to find a form, narrative or message. His musical organisms (sometimes non-sensical, contradictory, naïve or even humoristic) follow their own inner systems with mishaps and anomalies. As such virtually anything could become the gene of a piece; a sound, a note, a chord, a gesture, an aesthetic, a cliché, a technique or an extra musical idea. His observations of natural phenomena, random urban events, simple mathematical models and the visual arts have also proved to be a catalyst for his musical imagination.
Source de la bio : [source:]
Date de la bio : 19 mai 2009