Nom de famille usuel : Norris
Prénom usuel : Sally
Genre : Féminin
Fonction : Compositrice
Date de naissance : 1983
Ville de naissance : Leicester
Province ou état de naissance : Angleterre
Pays de naissance : Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord
Âge : environ 42 ans
Site actuellecd : Oui
Bio : Composer and Pianist Sally Norris received her Master of Arts degree in Composition from Wesleyan University (Middletown CT, USA 2009). There, her thesis project, Clara: A Music Box Opera, and the written analysis, (un) Telling Clara: trust me, I’m telling you stories was advised by Anthony Braxton and aided by Alvin Lucier, Ron Kuivila, Katherine Young, Brian Parks and Rod O’Connor. She holds a Bachelor of Music degree in composition from Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo ON, Canada 2006) where she studied primarily with Linda C Smith and Terence Kroetsch. Sally is fascinated by notions of translation, re-interpretation and transmission of words, symbols, musics and narrative structures as they are embodied in performance. Through score design and notation she explores a musical geography of models and prototypes. Currently traveling, Sally is preoccupied with issues of geography and tangibility. She spends time playing the accordion and knitting.
Source de la bio : [source:]
Date de la bio : 30 septembre 2010