Nom de famille usuel : Brandes
Prénom usuel : Daniel
Genre : Masculin
Fonction : Compositeur
Date de naissance : 1985
Ville de naissance : Windsor
Province ou état de naissance : Ontario
Pays de naissance : Canada
Résidences en date du : 27 mai 2009
Ville de résidence : Victoria
Province ou état de résidence : Colombie-Britannique
Pays de naissance : Canada
Âge : environ 40 ans
Site actuellecd : Oui
Bio : Daniel Brandes is a composer, cyclist and community gardener. He lives in Victoria, British Columbia with his wife, Laura, and cat, Jack. He is a resoundingly bad, but earnest, five string banjo player. He plays and sings on the street with his wife for money. It works.

In 2010, Daniel completed his Masters of Music at the University of Victoria where he studied composition with Christopher Butterfield and Daniel Biro. Daniel’s works are often an exploration of austere, fragile and delicate landscapes that examine the potential of, and depth of expression within, very limited musical materials. His graduating work Different Windows or Possible Trajectories, a twenty-five minute chamber work for nine players, explores issues of time, memory and perception. These issues are at the heart of Daniel’s current creative research.

Daniel composes music that walks tight ropes — tight ropes between nothing and something, fragility and fierceness, beauty and ugliness. He likes art that makes the listener/viewer/reader come to it. He likes artists that try even if they fail, as long as they try.

His music has travelled across Canada, being performed in concerts, reading sessions and workshops by the Windsor Symphony Orchestra, the Windsor Community Orchestra, the Victoria Symphony Orchestra, the Brave New Works Ensemble, the ECM+ and the Quatuor Bozzini.

In addition to music, Daniel loves baseball and the written word. He is considering taking up pin-hole photography.

Source de la bio : [source:]
Date de la bio : 26 octobre 2010