Nom de famille usuel : Bloor
Prénom usuel : Alan
Genre : Masculin
Fonction : Compositeur
Ville de naissance : Windsor
Province ou état de naissance : Ontario
Pays de naissance : Canada
Résidences en date du : 10 juillet 2007
Ville de résidence : Toronto
Province ou état de résidence : Ontario
Pays de naissance : Canada
Site electrocd : Oui
Site actuellecd : Oui
Bio : Knurl, aka Alan Bloor, is one of the premier noise artists in Canada. Using contact mics and scrap metal Knurl creates incredibly powerfull harsh noise. At times reminescent of the likes of Daniel Mench and Haters, Knurl has released 2 efforts for Alien8 Recordings as well as appearing on the Coalescence compilation. Other labels that have documented Knurl include RRR, Self Abuse, Labyrinth, Entarte Kunst and Musicus Phycus. Knurl has performed with Keiji Haino, David Kristian, Haters, Princess Dragon Mom, MSBR and Goverment Alpha and collaborated live with Jim O’Rouke and Thurston Moore.

Alan Bloor is originally from Windsor, Ontario, where back in the mid eighties he was involved in a couple of musical outfits, one being a hardcore band called Binge of Violence which would often play in Detroit. After the breakup of the ensemble he decided to go solo.

Over a period of about ten years he studied classical guitar, Jazz bass and flamenco guitar. In the late 1980’s he became involved as a background noisician in poetry readings in Detroit in which he experimented with his bass guitar by placing metal objects on the strings to produce the sounds. Eventualy other projects followed. He has participated in works by musician/composer Carl Harris of Windsor, Ontario, and dancer/ choreographer/ videographer Dominique Banoun in Montréa. Since then he has experimented further with the idea of using found objects such as fan blades, typwriters, scrap metal and car springs prduce sounds that eventually became the Knurl project. He has also supplied musical scores for performers Andrew Hammerson (ex DV-8) from the UK and Jake Brown, Montréal. Since the begining of 1995 he has been performing solo as Knurl in Montréal, Ottawa, Toronto and Detroit.